Publications from the legal and agribusiness world

Legislative change – Law 14.620/2023


Published today, Law 14.620/2023 which, among other provisions, amends article 784 of the Code of Civil Procedure (which deals with extrajudicial executive titles), regarding the exemption from the mandatory signature of two witnesses in private instruments), which have been constituted or certified by electronic means.

The aforementioned law inserts §4 in article 784 of the Code of Civil Procedure, with the provision that: “In executive titles constituted or certified by electronic means, any type of electronic signature provided for by law is permitted, with the signature of witnesses being waived when its integrity is verified by a signature provider”.

This legal determination represents a reduction in bureaucracy in the execution of legal transactions and follows the case law on the subject.

A very important subject for the activities of our clients and our office.

News commented by Eliana Camilo – Litigation Coordinator

Luchesi Lawyers

With a history spanning over 30 years, we are a reference in providing specialized legal services to clients in the agro-industrial production chain and other sectors of the industry. Our activity has been recognized nationally and internationally and stands out for the innovative way in which we handle consultancy issues, contractual negotiations, as well as litigation and strategic operations in agribusiness.


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